The Kano State Public Complaints and Anti-Corruption Commission has arrested two suspects and summoned three permanent secretaries for questioning regarding an alleged scam involving the selling of employment forms in the Office of the Head of Service.
The commission’s Chairman, Muhuyi Rimin-Gado, stated in Kano on Wednesday that an investigation was underway to identify and prosecute individuals guilty for the tragedy. He claimed that the deception affected thousands of needy job hopefuls.
“Preliminary investigations have shown fraudulent activity at the offices of the Head of Service, Civil Service Commission, Kano State Secondary Schools Board, and Health Service Management Board. The two suspects in jail are assisting with the inquiry, which has resulted in the closure of a fraudulent employment portal. The commission is working to root out corruption and achieve justice in the employment scam that has impacted thousands of job seekers,” Mr Rimin-Gado stated.
According to him, the current investigation seeks to identify and prosecute individuals involved for the fraudulent sale of job papers. Mr Rimin-Gado stated, “The commission is working to prevent corruption and ensure justice is served.” The state administration has directed the commission to conduct a thorough investigation and penalize anybody found responsible.” (NAN)
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